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Kamariza Pelagie

Kamariza Pelagie 55, of Des Moines passed away on November 15, 2020 at her home in Des Moines, Iowa.

Kamariza was born on January 1, 1965 in Burundi where she attended school. She was forced to flee the tribalisms war to neighbor country, Tanzania. In 2007 she was granted asylum to Iowa United States of America. She has lived in Des Moines for the past 12 years and worked at the Gannet Publishing in production. She was a member of the Basilica of St John Catholic Church. She loved to cook for her family and loved them dearly.

Left to cherish her memory is her husband Mutabazi Augustin, her children children: Selemani Sibomana, Solange Nduwimana, Fabrice Nahimana, Joseline Uwimana, Moise Tuombemungu, Louisa Irankunda, and David Niyonzima, and two daughters in- law, Emmanueline Ntihabose, Beatrice Ndayisenga, with two sons -in- law Vincent Niyokwizera, Pasfique Mbonimpa, and 11 grandchildren.

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